Lesson No. 6-Instrumentation 1-Questionaires

What Not and What Yes: Questionnaires in Quantitative
There are several types of questionnaires mentioned in the class, the standardized and the non standardized questionnaires. Among the standardized questionnaires is personality test questionnaires, aptitude test questionnaires, attitude test questionnaires and several others standardized questionnaires. The non standardized questionnaires is the design of questionnaires by researchers to know specific knowledge or information.

According to Anastasia (1988), when considering developing set of questionnaires, we use norms to facilitate test's user interpretation to interpret raw score. However, in addition, she said and as similarly Dr F said, there are two type of test which is norm reference and criterion reference. In psychology, it usually goes with norm reference which usually referred to the distribution of scores obtained by the standardize sample, which means raw score is converted into some relative measure. Anastasia added that fundamentally, derived score are expressed in ways (1) developmental attainment (2) relative position within a specified group. She also said that criterion referenced test usually deals with mastery learning as opposed to achievement learning of norm referenced test.

Reliability and Validity: What It Takes

When designing questionnaires there are two considerations which are validity and reliability of the questionnaires.Reliability refers to consistency of scores obtained by same persons when reexamined i.e. something to do with correlation and validity usually referred to content related, criterion related and construct related to find evidence of validity i.e. a lot of adjustment or pretest before accepting it as a valid test. Therefore, when we consider this two aspect, we can consider our questionnaire is valid in a non standardize test we as researchers design. To be frank, I need to undergo this process myselves when designing questionnaires and this semester, one of the lecturer ask us to design questionnaires depending on literature review. Good experience and need a lot of re-consolidation and learning new knowledge. Hurrah Rahim.