The Research Proposal

My RP is L1 Influences of Malaysian ESL Writings at Royal Military College and National Defence University : A Case Study of Contrastive Rhetoric. To be sincere and honest, this topic was not easy for me. To be frank, I was doing background check about contrastive rhetoric for almost two years and still at the moment, I noticed that in qualitative studies, you need to be meticulous and very thorough on aspects of research. I need someone...., that is my future supervisor to lead me the way. Hmmmmmmm. Today is Saturday and I hope that I will survive this course. This is hard, and I am wandering if I were to reach the podium.
Yours sincerely,



Rosmiza said...

Welcome to the club. I'm doing qualitative too..and tell u what, the method has drag my PhD to five years now...mmg meticulous, mmg detail, I'm like 'tertimbun dalam segunung data' ahahaha...all the best ye

Abdul Rahim said...

okey. One of my lecturer said that I need to use invivo. SPSS equivalent but used in qualitative. Boleh beli kat mana2 tak